Monday, February 18, 2008

Stuff I Know About

Preparations for going fishing are fun.Getting your tackle box out,checking rods and reels,it gets you mentally prepared.

You can look like a genius in my buisness by knowing stuff.You can also look pretty dumb when mis-diagnosing.So,I know to be very carefull and work slow.

I know little about gardening,but last year my garden was something I was proud of.

Norma Jean one of my Golden Retreivers is learning to walk close to me in the house,so I can lean on her.

My local post office goes out of there way to help.Dolton,Illinois,60419.

Doctors sometimes say,"I don't know why that is happening,but I will find out".This is a good thing.

You walk the Appalacian Trail inabout 6 months,from Georgia to Maine.I have been on it and wondered who can afford to take 6 months off?

Some houses I get into cost a million or more.Some are impressive,some are just ugly.

Messy houses are lived in.

Coaches in high school were all just a little weird.

more to come

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