Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Today we had our family over to celebrate Easter.
I think this day will stand out as a highlight in my life.

It is amazing to me how very much they all love each other.
Not a cross word,not a sarcastic comment,just peace.
Thank You God.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Whitney!

My Dear Whitney,
Today you are 10 years old.
Happy Birthday !
I am so happy to have you in my life,you always make this ol' papa smile.
I write to you today having so much hope and love in my heart for you.
I wanted to say some things about your future.
Your first 10 years have been good.I see you have made many friends and that is so important!
Keep these childhood friends Whit,you won't ever forget them.They are a gift.
Your next ten years will be life changing.
Growing into womanhood will be a truly amazing experience.
Schools,learning,trusting God daily,these are things to remember as you go.
There may come times when you don't understand God.There may come times when you don't understand your dad or mom.There may come times when life is to confusing.
These times will come and go quickly.
The experiences God puts us through shapes us,teaches us and matures us into the kind of person God wants us to be.
Always be on guard because there are many things in life that want us to fail.There will be temptation's to face and many choices to make.

I wonder about your life,will you be a teacher? Will you be a mom? Will you be a doctor or nurse? A lawyer? Somehow no matter what it is I know I will be so proud of you.
I see in you a spirit of kindness.
I see in you a sense of humor.(probably from your dad) and this is a good thing.
Most of all I see in you a spirit of loving others and I love you for that.
So,life will be a mystery for the next ten years.When you are twenty you will be an amazing person Whit.
Happy Birthday Whitney,
Your Papa loves you Verrrrry Much.

They Scourged Him

The men who did it.
The men who scourged him.Beat him.Whipped him with more then just whips.
They spat on him.
They laughed at him.
I think about these men.
I wonder about these men.
Men in a crowd of like minded men.I am sure that gave them courage.
A crown of thorns was placed upon his head.
They put him up on a wooden cross.
They nailed him to it.
They put a sign over his head for all to see.
For hours they mocked him.
They cast lots for his garment.
Then he forgave them all.
Even me and you.